Crystal Princess Theme
Crystal Princess (Masquerade) Singles
Wave 1
Crystal Princess singles come with a masquerade mask and a small accessory. They also have gem shaped eye characteristics like Crystal Empire singles, but do not have tinsel in their hair.

Sunset Shimmer
Wave 2
Crystal Princess Sets
Wave 1
Crystal Princess singles come with a masquerade mask and a small accessory. They also have gem shaped eye characteristics and the princesses have colored tinsel in their manes.
Crystal Motion
Wave 2

Fluttershy IV

Pinkie Pie IV

Rarity IV
Fashion Style Ponies
Fashion Style Ponies are larger than regular G4 ponies and come with pretty fashion accessories.
Crystal Princess Celebration
Accessory Sets

Celebration Bakery
Mrs. Cake & Twirly Treats
Building Playsets
Vehicle Playsets
Special Ponies

Twilight Sparkle (Princess)
2013 Talking Princess Twilight Sparkle
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